Let's fight hemochromatosis, the most common genetic killer in the western hemisphere

Hereditary hemochromatosis is the most common genetic killer in the western hemisphere. Because hemochromatosis is particularly prevalent in people of Celtic origin, it is sometimes called Celtic Curse. Because hemochromatosis can cause your skin to take on an orange color and is a leading cause of type 2 diabetes, it is sometimes called bronze diabetes (hemochromatosis may be spelled haemochromatosis in some countries and called HH or HHC). 
You don't have to be Irish to be a victim of this widely under-diagnosed condition in which iron reaches toxic levels in your body and causes crippling disabilities such as:
  • liver cancer,
  • diabetes,
  • congestive heart failure,
  • macular degeneration, and
  • osteoporosis
not to mention chronic joint pain, arrhythmia, hair loss, fatigue, infertility, impotence, and depression.
With greater awareness and compassion we can defeat hereditary hemochromatosis. Although simple tests for hemochromatosis are available, too few doctors know when to order them, and if it is not detected early, the buildup of iron in the victim’s body caused by hemochromatosis can inflict serious damage on vital organs.
As a direct result of the lack of screening for, and awareness of, this insidious condition, each year many thousands of people are condemned to a life of pain, suffering, and disability. Fortunately, the three main weapons in the fight against hemochromatosis are not exotic.
  1. Detection of the condition: simple and not costly.
  2. Treatment of the condition: practically free (blood donation).
  3. Awareness and education: needs work.
#3 is what this blog is all about, spreading the word. The more people know, the more lives will be saved, from premature death and needless suffering.


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