The Economic Impact of Screening for Genetic Haemochromatosis In Northern Ireland

This is some impressive work on what genetic screening for what the Brits call Genetic Haemochromatosis (GH). Check out the report that establishes:
  • Screening saves lives, saves money
  • For every £1 spent on screening, over £3 of benefit is generated
  • GH screening would enable earlier diagnosis and treatment of GH
  • Screening has the potential to prevent or reverse much of the current and forecast chronic ill health associated with GH
  • The estimated value of avoided costs of treating chronic health conditions associated with GH is huge
  • A lower incidence of chronic illness (particularly liver disease and osteoarthritis) would also improve the quality of life of people living with GH
  • GH screening is also expected to improve labour force participation amongst working age adults who would otherwise need to take time off or retire early to help manage chronic illness
  • Combined with the reduced need for carers to look after GH patients, the outcome would be greater productivity and economic output
The Economic Impact of Screening - Haemochromatosis UK


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